That's the Gift I Want!
December 15, 2022, 12:00 AM

My daughter and I went shopping on Black Friday.  We decided to head into a store where there was pretty much every kind of gift you could ever want.  As we were passing by some mixers I stopped and shuddered.  

"What's wrong, Dad," she asked.

"I don't know," I replied.  "I just felt something like a cold breeze."

She looked at the mixer, then rolled her eyes.  "Oh Dad," she moaned.  "It's a Frigid Air."

All dad jokes aside it seems like people are addicted to least I am.  I always want to find that perfect gift for the people in my life.  As we head on into the Christmas season, I would like to offer that the greatest gift you can give anyone is Jesus.  You see, mixers wear out.  A new car will break down.  A perfect sweater will end up getting buried in the back of the closet.  That amazing electronic device will be outdated by next Christmas.  But...a relationship with Jesus is something that will be a forever gift.  It can't wear out.  It isn't something you can return.  You want to give the perfect gift this year...share the truth about Jesus.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever...amazing!